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Des de Moor
Best beer and travel writing award 2015, 2011 -- British Guild of Beer Writers Awards
Accredited Beer Sommelier
Writer of "Probably the best book about beer in London" - Londonist
"A necessity if you're a beer geek travelling to London town" - Beer Advocate
"A joy to read" - Roger Protz
"Very authoritative" - Tim Webb.
"One of the top beer writers in the UK" - Mark Dredge.
"A beer guru" - Popbitch.
Des de Moor


London breweries year by year

The famous wisteria on the Brewer’s House at Fuller’s., London W7.

The 2010s saw an astonishing growth in the numbers of London breweries. When Young’s ceased brewing on its historic Brewery site in Wandsworth in 2006, only nine commercial breweries were left in the capital, close to the lowest number ever recorded. By the end of 2020, the numbers were above 130. While the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020-21 and the subsequent lockdowns didn’t immediately halt the upward trend, its aftershocks, combined with the economic difficulties of the early 2020s, have seen the numbers declining again, though they remain much higher than they were at the start of the century.

Brewery numbers are of course a different matter from output. In the early 1970s, a much smaller number of much bigger breweries were producing over 10 million hl a year. Today, overall output is likely around 1.5 million hl. Many of the most recently opened breweries are very small, some of them home-based operations working in 100 l batches or less.

Below, you’ll find total end-of-year figures for commercial breweries operating in London from 1971 onwards

The table includes annual changes (+ for breweries revived or opened, for those suspended or closed), numbers owned or part-owned by national (N) or multinational (M) groups, and numbers of brewpubs (BP) included in the total. In some years, brewpubs made up a high proportion of the numbers, particularly in the 1990s heyday of the Firkin chain. Click on a year to find the full list of breweries operational at the end of the year.

Year +ChangeTotalNMBP
1971 00011610
1972 01-110710
1973 00010710
1974 00010710
1975 01-19610
1976 01-18510
1977 10+19510
1978 0009510
1979 1109411
1980 30+312413
1985 31+2247 115
1987 110237116
1998 4403121223
2000 44016228
2001 23-115027
2002 10+116027
2003 02-214025
2004 11014 0 24
2008 21+110015
201020+2140 15
201180+8220 18
2013205+15520 114
2014 215+16680 120
2015 156+9770 323
2016 226+16931 229
2017 238+151081 325
2018 247+171250732
2019 1712+513001428
* as of 27 January 2025


‘Commercial breweries operating in London’ means businesses with their own physical brewing kit, on a distinct and separate site within the official Greater London boundary, producing beer that is on sale to the public. Separate brewery sites under the same ownership are counted individually. Where two or more companies share a kit, this is counted as a single brewery. ‘Brewers without breweries’ like cuckoos and contractors, are not counted.

The locality names given after postcodes in each list refer to London boroughs, and don’t necessarily correspond to the locality in common use.

I’ve compiled these lists from a variety of sources, including in recent years my own primary research into and breweries. Key secondary sources are:

I’m also grateful to John Cryne at the Alliance and John Paul Adams and the London CAMRA brewery liaison officers for sharing records and information.

London breweries homepage and current list.

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