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Des de Moor
Best beer and travel writing award 2015, 2011 -- British Guild of Beer Writers Awards
Accredited Beer Sommelier
Writer of "Probably the best book about beer in London" - Londonist
"A necessity if you're a beer geek travelling to London town" - Beer Advocate
"A joy to read" - Roger Protz
"Very authoritative" - Tim Webb.
"One of the top beer writers in the UK" - Mark Dredge.
"A beer guru" - Popbitch.
Des de Moor


Held-Bräu Hell

Beer sellers: Landbierparadies

ABV: 4.9%
Origin: Oberailsfeld, Franken/Bayern, Germany

Held-Bräu, Oberailsfeld

One of many small rural Franconian brewpubs, with a history dating back to 1680, “Hero Brew” is now run by Helmut Polster and his family. They turn out some seriously good stuff.

The malty accent of “Helles” beers is more typical of the traditional blond lagers of this part of the world than the drier, hoppier tang of Pils. This is a great example, clear golden with a very generous white head. There’s a lovely soft and creamy aroma with notes of wet stone and honey, trailing a decent straightforward fresh malty palate with a hint of lime and a contained but notable buildup of hops. The beer closes with a splash of hops and strawberry on a lingering malty finish.

Read more about this brewery’s beer at

Hebendanz Edel Pils

Beer Sellers: Landbierparadies, Nürnberg

ABV: 5.1%
Origin: Forchheim, Franken/Bayern, Germany

Hebendanz Edel Pils

Hebendanz is one of several breweries and brewpubs in the large Franconian town and former royal city of Forchheim, home to the celebrated Annafest. It’s been a family business since 1579 and is now in the capable hands of owner and brewer Fritz Hebendanz.

Pils isn’t really a typical Franconian style though quite a few brewers, with an eye to its wider popularity in Germany, offer something under that name, and Hebendanz’s “noble” variety is considered one of the best. It’s golden with some white head, a malty, slightly hoppy aroma heavy with flowery perfume, and a dry and very crisp and sacky malt palate with a peppery and flowery hop bite. Hops are also obvious in a very long and chewy, creamy finish that’s finally slightly puckering, but suffused with an appealing peachy freshness.

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Blauer Löwe Dunkel

Beer sellers: Landbierparadies, Nürnberg.

ABV: 5.5%
Origin: Höchstadt an der Aisch, Franken/Bayern, Germany

Brauerei Blauer Löwe

Another of those Franconian brewpubs with a long, long history, Blauer Löwe (Blue Lion) opened in 1633 as one of several breweries in Höchstadt to replace the old town brewery, destroyed during the Swedish invasion of Bavaria in the Thirty Years War, only two of which survive today. Originally it was known as Goldener Löwe but the history on the brewery’s website doesn’t indicate when or why the beast changed colour. The present brewhouse dates from 1949 and the kit it houses has been modernised several times. By the standards of traditional Franconian breweries, this is a pretty slick, commercial and large scale operation, with a capacity of around 5,000hl per year.

Its unpasteurised dunkel is a good, solid example of the brewer’s craft. It’s a dark amber, near chestnut colour with some light beige head and a malty cola and caramel-tinged aroma. The sweetish, smoothy malty, slightly caramelly palate is lightly fruity with a note of burnt sugar and light burry hops. A sappy, toasty, sweetish finish has more caramel and a slight liquroice note, reminiscent of that traditional British soft drink flavour dandelion and burdock.

Read more about this beer at

Top Tastings 2008

Writing this piece was one of the things that inspired me to launch this website. My mate Chris, who edits the Stereo Jealousy music blog, habitually starts the year by selecting the best albums and singles of the previous one. Seeing his 2008 list inspired me to look back over my tasting notes, for a year that had been one of the most varied of my beer tasting career so far. I ended up picking out 36 beers tasted over the year that had evidenced the skill, dedication and imagination of the world’s top brewers and reaffirmed the joy of beer. It was also a delight to write about a range of beer that stretched far beyond the British bottle conditioned beer brief I worked within for my regular CAMRA writing. But the only place I had to put the resulting list was on facebook, where it was accessible to only a few hundred facebook friends, some of whom, sadly, had no particular interest in beer. It took a year, but by the end of 2009 I finally had a more open outlet in the form of this site — and I’ve Chris to thank, too, for steering me towards using a WordPress platform.

All the beers chosen now have their own entries on this site, but for the record I’ve reproduced the original capsule reveiws here, with links to the full entries.

1. Agullons Bruno Pale Ale, 4.5%, Mediona, Barcelona, Catalunya. From a very new farmhouse brewery that’s already got its beers into British and Belgian festivals, this tasty pale ale was tweaked by Barcelona-based beer guru Steve Huxley. Decent malt and slightly wheaty phenols on a hoppy aroma lead to a full dry palate with the burnt rubber notes of crystal malt and a grapefruity hop bite turning thistly on the tongue, with late resiny notes on the finish. Unpasteurised on draught at Cerveteca, Barcelona.

2. Allagash Victoria Ale, 9%, Portland, Maine, USA. A very special golden ale brewed with Chardonnay grapes, part of the brewery’s “tribute” series, with $1 from each bottle going towards restoration of Portland’s historic Victoria mansion. Cloudy golden with a refined grape aroma and a subtle, slightly sweet palate that’s not overpoweringly grapey. Hints of rose, dry crsip malt and liquorice lead to a chewy finish with restrained vegetable hops, staying very elegant despite the alcoholic kick. Bought at Bierkraft, NYC.

3. Baladin Nora Bira Egizia, 6.8%, Piozzo, Piemonte, Italia. This groundbreaking brewpub doesn’t seem capable of brewing uninteresting beer. A wheat style beer featuring organic Egyptian kamut wheat to try to evoke ancient Egyptian brewing, this is a cloudy orange with a thick head, a very grassy and chaffy aroma, hints of aniseed, lemon, camomile and dates, and a mild but refreshing grainy finish with summer grass and a dash of hops. Bought at the Great British Beer Festival.

4. Bavik Petrus Aged Pale, 7.3%, Bavikhove, West Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen. An unusual wood-aged pale ale from a Belgian independent normally associated with brown ales, this is a deep golden with a perfumed orange aroma, a sweet-sour almost geuze-like palate with a dash of marmalade, and an oily swallow leading to a tart citric finish, with bitter hops giving way to late vanilla and old books. Sampled bottled at the Waagstuk, Antwerpen.

5. Beckstones Black Dog Freddy Mild, 3.9%, Millom, Cumbria, England. When this won silver at the 2008 Champion Beer of Britain you could hear people saying “who?”. But it was well-deserved for this complex mild, with a notably roasty blackcurrant and caramel aroma, a slightly smoky and yoghurty berry fruit palate and a long, moreish, slightly tart finish with subtle roast and strawberry fruit. Cask at Great British Beer Festival.

6. Brains Top Notch, 4.4%, Caerdydd, Cymru. Originally a festival special, this beer deserves wider exposure than as a November seasonal. A nut brown beer with a rich nutmeggy head, a sweet nutty malty autumn fruit aroma, a complex chewy palate with toffee and a bit of powdery-dry hops, old ale-like hints and creamy dry finish that leaves a big impression. Cask at Chapter, Caerdydd.

7. BrewDog Edge, 2.7%, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Emerging as one of Britain’s most exciting new breweries, BrewDog makes some great strong beers, but packing so much flavour into a mild at such a low gravity is just showing off! Caramel, blackberry, roast, chalk, wood, burnt toffee, rich resins, artichoke, dark marmalade and finally a dash of pepper. Perhaps a bit hoppy for the style but so much else going on too – astonishing. Cask at London Drinker festival.

8. Brooklyn Local 1, 9%, New York City, New York, USA. Garrett Oliver’s regular bottle conditioned premium treat, a bottle conditioned Belgian-style golden ale in a stylish bottle, with a lively bead, fine white head and a complex apple marmalade, phenol, vanilla and fig aroma. A firm mouth-numbing bitter orange palate feels like it should have coriander hints, and there are slightly burnt notes in a tangy, chewy and lasting finish. Dry, crisp and very distinctive. Bought in a Gristedes supermarket in New York City.

9. Cheddar Totty Pot 4.7%, Cheddar, Somerset, England. A flavourful bottle conditioned porter with a hint of bloody iron in a malty aroma, a full but tangy dark malt palate with notes of cola, caramel toffee, burnt rubber, cough sweets and a dusting of herby hops, and a sugary note kicking off a lightly roast rooty-hoppy finish with dark sultana cake. Review bottle from brewer.

10. Darwin Richmond Ale (Bottle conditioned version) 4.5%, Crook, Durham, England. A satisfying and beautifully made recreation of an old recipe from Richmond, Yorkshire, this is a rich nut-brown beer with a fruity, figgy, nutty aroma with soft raisins, reminiscent of some Belgian abbey browns, and a sappy slightly roasty palate with much orange and blackcurrant fruit, subtle hop resins and belt leather. Burry but gently hops emerge in a long mineral-tinged finish. Notably more complex than the easier to find filtered version. Bought at the Great British Beer Festival.

11. Ducato Nuova Mattina 5.8, Roncole Verdi, Emilia-Romagna, Italia. Jon, barman at the imported beer bar at the Pigs Ear festival where this appeared on draught, and myself agreed this was weird but notable. It’s a hazy blond saison-inspired ale with a twiggy perfumed spice aroma, a fruity pineapple, grapefruit and strawberry palate and a stab of sourness that could have been unintentional but would work well as a nod to Orval. Alcohol was evident on a chewy, subtly spiced, estery and notably long finish.

12. Duvel-Moortgat Vedett Extra White, 4.7%, Breendonk, Antwerpen, Vlaanderen. Previously Duvel’s wheat beer offering was Steendonk, produced in partnership with Palm, but the partnership ended this year and this beer, Duvel’s very own replacement, came as a pleasantly good surprise. OK, it’s a bit lacking in substance and overbalanced by citric lemon squash falvours, but its spicy damp hay, phenol. vanilla and spiced orange aroma, good wheat notes on the palate, and a smooth lemony finish with a hint of chewy hops and friendly and refreshing. Sampled bottled at Bar Fringe, Manchester.

13. Duysters Loterbol Bruin, 10%, Diest, Vlaams Brabant, Vlaanderen. I’ve heard variable reports of the products from this very small brewery but my bottled sample, from Kulminator in Antwerpen, was an excellent strong brown ale of near world-beating quality. Very dark brown in colour with a yellowish head, lots of lace, a dark malt, liquorice, candied fruit and spicy cake aroma, a mouth numbing malty herbal finish turning complex with detergent notes as it warms, and a fresh if slightly vegetal relatively dry finish with sherry and marmalade notes.

14. Girardin Kriek (draught), 5%, Sint-Ulriks-Kapelle, Vlaams Brabant, Vlaanderen. For the style this is easy drinking but top quality from one of the most respected lambic breweries, a cherry-red cherry beer with a creamy, woody and tannic aroma, a spicily fruity natural cherry palate with sappy lambic and mint notes, and a thick chewy finish, fresh and fruity but not oversour. On CO2 at the Zythos Beer Festival.

15. Goose Island Bourbon County Stout, 13%, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Originally brewed to celebrate this outstanding brewery’s 1000th batch of beer in 1992, this became the USA’s first cask matured beer and started a cult phenomenon among enthusiasts. The first batches were matured in ex-Jim Bean casks, but the batch I sampled, at a beer dinner hosted by the brewery at the White Horse, Parsons Green, London (one of the beer events of the year!) had enjoyed 100 days in Hampden Hill/Buffalo Trace casks. The result was black with a sparse pinky brown head, a malty smoky vanilla mint chocolate raisin aroma with some heady whisky cask fumes, a minty gravy malt palate recalling the old Courage Imperial Russian Stout, syrupy but drinkable, and with clear bourbon notes, salty sharpness and stinging hops penetrating the malt, and finishing creamy and meaty with notes of Belgian chocolate couverture. A truly astonishing beer.

16. Grolsch Premium Weizen, 5.3%, Enschede, Overijssel, Nederland. They may have been bought up SAB-Miller but Grolsch are certainly keeping up the quality with this relatively new German-style wheat beer, which raised eyebrows by beating several German producers in blind tastings at the 2007 World Beer Cup. Orange-yellow with a good white head, a tangy citric clove aroma with vanilla notes, a slightly sweet citric palate with chewy and pippy but not bitter hops flavours, and a rounded orange and strawberry finish with late plum. A thin, drinkable texture but plenty of substantial flavour. Bought at Asda.

17. Hoepfner Kräusen, 5.1%, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland. Unfiltered but on CO2 at Cerveteca, Barcelona, as part of their 2008 World Beer Cup Winners selection. A lovely pale yellow Kellerbier with a smooth subtle slightly sweet vanilla honey, vegetal notes, a soft lightly citric clean light malt palate, slight hints of soft fruit and beautifully judged hops, and a refined citric-hoppy finish with gently cleansing berry vanilla hints. A delight.

18. Hofbrouwerijke Hofblues, 5.5%, Beerzel, Antwerpen, Vlaanderen. From a tiny, originally hobby, brewery, this is one of the more obscure beers to have been selected by Tim Webb and Joris Pattyn for their 100 Belgian Beers to Try Before you Die – though others have complained of contaminated bottles. My sample, bought at the Pigs Ear festival, was fine; a decent rich dark ruby stout with a leathery blackcurrant marmite and coffee aroma, a caramel and coffee palate with a bit of hops and detergent, and chewy roast spicy flavours in a chocolatey finish.

19. Hook Norton Double Stout, 4.8%, Hook Norton, Oxfordshire, England. Revived within the last couple of decades from an early 20th century recipe, this stout was decent enough in its former filtered bottled form, but in 2008 it was relaunched as a bottle conditioned beer to become an instant minor classic. A rich malt roast chocolate aroma has a lightly spicy touch, with a gentle sparkle on a smooth chocolate malt palate, hints of slightly tart autumn fruites, pencil lead and burry hops. A lightly spicy swallow heralds a roasty coffee and blackcurrant finish. Bought at Waitrose.

20. Ithaca Excelsior! Ten, 9.9%, Ithaca, New York, USA. According to the bottle, “too many malts to list” and “an excess of American hops” go into this red-brown beer with its big, bubbly orange-yellow tinged head. Ripe fruit, spice, slightly dirty, sulphury, cream and ceramic notes are apparent on the aroma, while a firm malt palate has thistly, intense hops and ripe fruit. There’s lots more fruit plus mineral notes in a bitter but warming finish with a hint of pepper. Bought at Bierkraft, New York City.

21. Jolly Brewer Suzanne’s Stout 3.5%, Wrecsam, Wrecsam, Cymru. From a very small brewery attached to a brewing supplies shop that has produced a string of fascinating beers. A beer with an astonishing depth of flavour given its ABV, with a nutty roasted barley and fruit cake aroma slightly tinged with cough sweet, a dry roasty rye bread and rooty hops palate with toasted vine fruit, an estery swallow and a dry bitter chocolate finish laced with caramel and pepper. From Meadow Farm Shop, Tintern.

22. Mexicana Potro 4.7%, Tecate, Baja California, Mexico. This beer split our tasting team down the middle when we tried it blind at the Tesco Drinks Awards judging. If you’re expecting a straight porter you’ll be surprised as there’s a deliberate wild yeast streak of lambic-like sourness within the stylish blue bottle, softened by dark slightly treacly malt and notes of roast. A tart finish has chocolate, a scattering of hops, fruit and smoke. I loved it.

23. Mikkeller Beer Geek Breakfast 7.5%, København, Hovedstaden, Danmark. As the name suggests, its US-inspired brewers are well aware of the enthusiast market and unsurprisingly the denizens of and the like have taken very well to this and their and other products. I also tried their strong, hoppy brown ale Jackie Brown in 2008 and rated it very highly, but I’ve limited myself to one beer per brewer here and this just pips the post. It’s a superb coffee stout with a sophisticated dry fruit note, a chaffy chocolate aroma, complex dry dark palate with red grape tannins and raspberry as well as coffee hints, and an abbey dubbel-like brown sugar wash over marmitey malt on a finish that also offers peppery black coffee. Bought at Utobeer.

24. Molen Tsarina Esra Reserva, 11%, Bodegraven, Zuid Holland, Nederland. Available from a huge claret cask at the Great British Beer Festival, this limited edition imperial stout is from one of Europe’s most innovative and consistently interesting brewers. Near-black, with almost no head and a heady winy estery aroma over smooth but intense dark malt, leading to an equally estery and winy warming palate with vanilla and spiced orange liqueur, and a lightly smoky smooth finish with fine chocolate and a little charred wood. An outstanding example of a cask matured beer.

25. Nethergate Augustinian Premium Ale, 4.5%, Sudbury, Suffolk, England. Brewer Ian Hornsey has produced several beers under the Augustinian name, nodding to the nearby priory at Clare, but this bottle conditioned bitter is arguably the best so far. Rich amber with a big rocky head and a pungent hop aroma with a balsamic, sulphurous note, a full biscuity slightly oily palate with complex spicy seedy orange strawberry and hop notes, and a peppery caramel liquorice finish turning sternly hoppy. Bought at Utobeer.

26. Oc’Ale Bière Noire Stout, 6%, Lafrançaise, Midi-Pyrénées, France. Unusual black beer with fresh biscuity malt aroma, banana milkshake and roast notes, malty but slightly sour pineapple juice and dark cake palate with liquorice and more banana, and a sweet-sour finish with chocolate syrup and a hint of roast. From Caves à bulles, Paris, in bottle.

27. Port Lost Abbey The Angel’s Share, 12.5%, San Marcos, California, USA. Another rare treat on draught at the Great British Beer Festival, this extraordinary barrel aged beer has spent six months in Heaven Hill Wheat Whiskey barrels. It comes out black, with a bubbly yellow head, an intense winy woody dark malt and whisky aroma heady with calvados & marzipan fumes, a winy malty fruity spicy palate with notes not only of whisky but liquroice and a tartish tannic note, and a soothing fruity woody finish long developing with late nut, herb and root flavours. Probably my beer of the year.

28. Regenboog ‘t Smisje Meso 2007, 2.5%, Assebroek, West Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen. Another attempt to recreate an ancient beer, this was brewed on the initiative of an archaeologist and linguist based on a 4,000-year-old Mesopotamian recipe, from wheat and barley with herbs rather than hops. Sampled on draught at the Zythos festival, this highly unusual but refreshing pale yellow beer has high carbonation, a rapidly descending foamy white head, an unusual lightly sour lactic aroma with notes of farmyard, tar, paint and vinyl, a lightly fizzy almost cidery palate with burnt plastic and cream notes, and a lightly citric finish, mild rather than sour elderflower and kvass hints.

29. De Schans Van Vollenhoven & Co’s Extra Stout 2007, 7%, Uithoorn, Noord Holland, Nederland. This Irish-inspired stout was first brewed at Van Vollenhoven’s brewery in Amsterdam, bought and closed after World War II by Heineken who for several decades continued to produce it as a cold fermented beer. Finally withdrawn in 2002, it’s since been revived to a much more authentic recipe under license from Heineken and at the behest of the foundation that now administers the former brewery workers’ houses. A very good near-black beer with a fine deep fawn head, a fruity coal and dark malt aroma with chocolate, vinyl and bacon smoke traces, a compex bacon and chocolate finish with caramel, raisins and nuts, and a tangy mild touch, charred wood and roast in a long, rich finish. Bottle from London Drinker festival.

30. Southampton Cuvee des Fleurs, 7.7%, Southampton, New York, USA. A saison style ale dosed with lavender, chamomile, marigold and dog rose, this cloudy golden beer has a delicate gingery candy aroma with a fresh haze of straw-like hops, a very complext petally rustic malt palate with strawberry and rose notes, and a burst of incense on a long tangy fnsh with lingering toffee and tart fruit. From Bierkraft, New York City.

31. Southern Tier Hoppe Imperial Extra Pale Ale, 10%, Lakewood, New York, USA. Another Bierkraft choice, this is a delicious and outstanding example of the style that’s well-hopped but, unlike some West Coast examples, not too forbiddingly bitter, achieved by being attractively floral throughout. Strong pineapple and tobacco resin, hopsack and malt on the aroma, a smooth malty peach palate with cleaning pine striking through on the swallow, and rounded but complex resins on a slightly mouth-numbing but elegant finish.

32. St Austell Admiral’s Ale, 5%, St Austell, Kernow. From one of Britain’s best independents, with a great line in bottle conditioned beers, this uses a single malt of Cornish barley specially malted to a unique recipe for both fermentability and depth of flavour, originally produced to mark the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar in 2005. A cherry red-brown with humbug and blackcurrant on a biscuity aroma, a juicy toffee palate with fruity complexity, vanilla biscuit, nuts, liquorice and thick hops, turning tangy on a drying nutty finish with a subtle roast note. Bottle from Utobeer.

33. St Hélène Djean d’Mady, 5.5%, Èthe, Luxembourg, Wallonie. A sociable, old-fashioned beer from the Gaume region, reddish amber, with a toasty gooseberry fool aroma, clean cherry apple palate with a rustic acid touch, drying spice over cream, some hops in a pleasant sappy finish with a touch of burnt rubber spice. A discovery in bottle at Beer Mania, Bruxelles.

34. Stewart Edinburgh No 3 Scotch Ale, 4.3%, Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland. A chestnut beer in robust and malty Scottish style, gooseberry tart and autumn fruit on the aroma, a creamy, malty palate with chaffy cereal, nuts and ripe fruit, and a lightly drying tangy finish with plums and more creamy malt. A welcome revival of a traditional heavy style that has become increasingly hard to find, tasted on cask at the Guildford Arms, Edinburgh.

35. Trunk Vierzehnheiligen Nothelfer Dunkel, 5.1%, Vierzehnheiligen, Franken, Bayern. Unpasteurised Dunkel fresh from its cask at the Pigs Ear festival, a dark nut brown with a thick yellowy head, nutty caramel malt aroma with a fudgy note, cracker dry but nicely malty palate, fleeting sweetness round the edges, and a lingering spicy hop and crisp biscuit finish. An elegant and tasty beer.

36. Wells & Youngs Young’s Bitter (bottle conditioned version), 4.5%, Bedford, Bedfordshire, England. The bottled version of the distinctive Young’s Ordinary now relaunched as a bottle conditioned beer and doing its cask brother proud. Pale copper, its sweetish malty aroma with a distinct slightly sour and sulphury note, a firm tasty malty palate with crisp but restrained hops, barley sugar & subtle orange fruit, and a moreish lightly bitter and subtly peppery citric finish.

Trunk Vierzehnheiligen Nothelfer Dunkel

Top Tastings 2008. A shorter version first appeared on facebook January 2009.

ABV: 5.1%
Origin: Vierzehnheiligen, Franken (Bayern), Germany

Trunk Vierzehnheiligen Nothelfer Bier

I tried this wonderful unpasteurised Dunkel fresh from its cask at the Pigs Ear festival. The brewery, in a rural setting behind a basilica in a Franconian village named for “the fourteen saints”, has a distant monastic tradition but has been in secular hands since 1803.

The beer is a dark nut brown with a thick yellowy head, nutty caramel malt aroma with a fudgy note, a cracker dry but nicely malty palate, fleeting sweet caramel round the edges and a liquorice touch. The finish is elegant and fresh, with lingering spicy hop and crisp biscuit finish.

Read more about this beer at

Stewart Edinburgh No 3 Scotch Ale

Top Tastings 2008. A shorter version appeared on facebook January 2009.

ABV: 4.3%
Origin: Loanhead, Midlothian, Scotland

Stewart Edinburgh No 3 Premium Scottish Ale

I was recently enthusing to a Scottish friend and fellow beer enthusiast about the recent improvements in the Scottish brewing scene, to a somewhat arch and cynical response. “Aye, there are more brewers, it’s true,” my friend commented. “But they’re all brewing English beer.” Now, this is a bit of a negative way of looking at things — some Scottish brewers are innovating with new styles that could hardly be termed English, or indeed can be easily attributed to any specific country, while others are happy to trade on the Scotch whisky connection when indulging the newly discovered fashion for ageing beers in spirit casks. But it’s true that there doesn’t appear to be any great enthusiasm north of the border for reviving historic Scottish styles. Personally I find this rather disappointing, as I still retain a soft spot for the distinctive maltiness and biscuity quality peculiar to a pint of ‘heavy’ which goes back to regular visits to Glasgow in the 1980s, when it was only available chilled on keg, and preferably enjoyed in a pub open in the afternoon — back then, a novelty to anyone living in England.

I was delighted, then, to encounter this lovely brew on cask at the Guildford Arms in Edinburgh, which tastes as close to a real ale version of those industrial heavies as you could hope for. Former Bass brewer Steve Stewart set up the brewery with his partner Jo in 2004 and is making something of a virtue of brewing unmistakeably Scottish beers. This one is a robust chestnut colour, enriched with black and chocolate malts, with a foamy creamy coffee head. A malty gooseberry tart and autumn fruit aroma heralds a creamy, malty palate with chaffy cereal, nuts and ripe autumn fruit. The finish is tangy and lightly drying with plummy fruit notes lingering over more creamy malt. Well worth lingering over of an afternoon.

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Sainte Hélène Djean d’Mady

Top Tastings 2008. A shorter version appeared on facebook January 2009.
Beer sellers: Beermania

ABV: 5.5%
Origin: Èthe, Luxembourg, Wallonie

Sainte Hélène La Djean d'Mady

Founded in 1999 by home brewer Eddy Pourtois, who named it after a street he walked down when working as a postman, Ste-Hélène, originally in Virton, has contributed to the emerging excitement of the microbrewing scene in Wallonia, and is one of several welcome new breweries in the fascinating southern Belgian region of the the Gaume. Amber ale Djean d’Mady was conceived as a regional thirst quencher in an old fashioned style, though since sampling this bottle, which I found at the famous Brussels specialist beer shop Beer Mania, it appears to have been withdrawn from the regular range — though the Gaumais character Djean on the label also crops up on a the brewery’s triple.

Reddish amber with a creamy yellow head, the beer has a fruity, creamy and toasty gooseberry fool aroma, a clean cherry apple palate with a rustic acid touch and drying spicy hops over cream. There are more hops in a pleasant soft and sappy finish with a touch of burnt rubber spice. If it has been withdrawn, more’s the pity, as it’s both a fine craft brew and a sociable, sessionable ale which shows the link both with the more northerly Spéciale style of amber ale and the bière de garde tradition over the French border to the south.

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Southern Tier hoppe imperial extra pale ale

Top Tastings 2008. A shorter version appeared on facebook, January 2009.
Beer sellers: Bierkraft

ABV: 10%
Origin: Lakewood, New York, USA

Southern Tier hoppe extra pale ale

‘Southern Tier’ is the informal geographical term for the southwest counties of New York state, and was also the name chosen by Phineas DeMink & Allen “Skip” Yahn when they set up this micro in 2004, using kit from the defunct Saddleback brewery. It’s since expanded rapidly, with many of the beers making a virtue of hops in a style more reminiscent of brewing on the opposite coast.

Hoppe, pronounced simply as ‘hop’ by the brewers, is a delicious and outstanding example from the brewery’s Imperial series, well-hopped but, unlike some West Coast examples, not too forbiddingly bitter, which is achieved by being attractively floral throughout. It’s a rich clear golden beer with some fine off-white head, and strong pineapple and tobacco resin, hopsack and malt on the aroma. A smooth malty peach palate has cleansing pine striking through on the swallow, and rounded but complex resins on a slightly mouth-numbing but elegant floral finish.

It’s described as an “exercise in minimalism”, using simple but well-chosen ingredients, and they’ve pulled it off brilliantly. Once again thanks to Bierkraft in Brooklyn for pointing me in its direction.

Read more about this beer at

Southampton Cuvée des fleurs

Top Tastings 2008. A shorter version was published on facebook January 2009.
Beer sellers: Bierkraft

ABV: 7.7%
Origin: Southampton, New York, USA

Southampton Cuvée des Fleurs

The Southampton Publick House, Don and Charlie Sullivan’s acclaimed brewpub in the town of the same name at the eastern end of Long Island, has been open since 1996, and some of its beers are now distributed by Pabst. Probably not this speciality, though — a saison style ale which is part of the brewery’s Belgian-inspired ‘750 series’ of bottle conditioned beers in 750ml bottles. It’s dosed with lavender, chamomile, marigold and dog rose, all of them listed on the label with their botanical names. The original label got its Latin right but omitted the acute accent in the French word ‘cuvée’ — I note this has since been corrected.

It’s a cloudy golden beer that has a just off-white head and a delicate gingery candy aroma with a fresh haze of straw-like hops. There’s a very complex petally and slightly toffeeish malt palate with strawberry, elder and rose notes, and a burst of incense on a long tangy fnsh with lingering toffee and tart fruit. The combination of rustic saison and delicate floral and leaf notes is compelling.

It’s an impressive beer, which came highly recommended from specialist deli Bierkraft in Brooklyn.

Read more about this beer at

Smisje Meso

Top Tastings 2008. A shorter version appeared on facebook January 2009.

ABV: 2.5%
Origin: Assebroek, West-Vlaanderen (since moved to Oudenaarde, Oost-Vlaanderen)

"De Regenboog brews Mesopotamian beer: Archaeologists find recipe in Syrian song from 1800BC."

An interesting attempt to recreate an authentic ancient beer made in collaboration with the brewing school of Leuven university (KUL), this one-off was brewed on the initiative of an archaeologist and linguist based on a 4,000-year-old Mesopotamian recipe, from wheat and barley with herbs rather than hops. It was realised at Johan Brandt’s ‘t Smisje (“the little smith”) brewery, also known as De Regenboog (“the rainbow”), one of Belgium’s smallest micros, founded in 1996 next to a honey, home brewing & winemaking shop in Assebroek and originally known for brewing a range of beers including honey and fruit. After this beer was brewed, Johan moved to a new site in Oudenaarde; he’s since taken a business decision to rationalise his range to a single beer.

Sampled on draught at the Zythos festival, this highly unusual but refreshing pale yellow beer had high carbonation, a rapidly descending foamy white head, an unusual lightly sour lactic aroma with notes of farmyard, tar, paint and vinyl, a lightly fizzy almost cidery palate with burnt plastic and cream notes, and a lightly citric finish, mild rather than sour with elderflower and kvass hints. Actually kvass, the lightly alcoholic grain-based fizzy drink sold on the street in some parts of eastern Europe, is a good reference point for this, or a very light and fizzy version of a lambic.

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