They say…

Des de Moor
Best beer and travel writing award 2015, 2011 -- British Guild of Beer Writers Awards
Accredited Beer Sommelier
Writer of "Probably the best book about beer in London" - Londonist
"A necessity if you're a beer geek travelling to London town" - Beer Advocate
"A joy to read" - Roger Protz
"Very authoritative" - Tim Webb.
"One of the top beer writers in the UK" - Mark Dredge.
"A beer guru" - Popbitch.
Des de Moor


Top Tastings 2010

Pic: Gillian Evans.

Here’s my Top Tastings list for 2010, a little late thanks to the time dedicated to my forthcoming book (see right or under London above).  As in previous years, they’re not necessarily new beers, just beers I happened to taste for the first time, or retaste after a long break, during 2010, and which made me grateful to be involved in such an exciting and satisfying area of human endeavour as beer and brewing. They’re not necessarily the “best” beers I tasted during the year, though all of them scored on the high side for quality, but they’re all rich in interest and character.

As in the past the selection is coloured by my beer drinking itinerary during the year. There’s more than the usual quota of beers from the USA, thanks to my first visit to the Great American Beer Festival, and a welcome first appearance in these lists for Czech beers, thanks in part to my first trip to Prague in a long time. But the rest cover a very varied range, including some truly unusual and impressive British beers that came my way in my capacity as BEER magazine’s Real Ale in a Bottle reviewer.

The 30-strong selection is listed in alphabetical order with no internal ranking implied. Click on the links for detailed notes and background information. Enjoy.

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