They say… 
Best beer and travel writing award 2015, 2011 -- British Guild of Beer Writers Awards
Accredited Beer Sommelier
Writer of "Probably the best book about beer in London" - Londonist
"A necessity if you're a beer geek travelling to London town" - Beer Advocate
"A joy to read" - Roger Protz
"Very authoritative" - Tim Webb.
"One of the top beer writers in the UK" - Mark Dredge.
"A beer guru" - Popbitch.

Harviestoun Old Engine Oil
ABV: 6% Origin: Alva, Clackmannanshire, Scotland Website: First published: 8 January 2001
Another review from the archive written for the pioneering Oxford Bottled Beer Database (OBBD). I’ve left it uncorrected — so please read it in that historical spirit.
Old Engine Oil hadn’t been around very long […]
Ballast Point Black Marlin Porter
Best Damn Beer Shop
ABV: 6% Origin: San Diego, California, USA Website:
Underlining the vital link between commercial craft brewing and homebrewing around which the vibrant beer culture of San Diego flourishes, the Ballast Point brewery actually began in a homebrewing supplies shop. Opened in 1992, Jack […]
Anchor Brewing Company, Mariposa Street, San Francisco, California 94107
Top Tastings 2012 (Porter)
ABV: 6%, 5.6% and 5% Origin: San Francisco, California, USA Website:
Despite numerous visits to San Francisco in recent years I hadn’t yet got round to visiting the famous Anchor brewery – arguably the motherlode of the current craft […]
Box Steam Funnel Blower
Top Tastings 2011 Southwest porters and strong beers
ABV: 4.5% Origin: Colerne, Wiltshire, England Website:
Family-owned Box Steam, founded in 2004 near Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s celebrated Great Western Railway tunnel under Box Hill in rural Wiltshire, is a brewery well worth keeping an eye on. I bumped into […]
London Beer Tastings 2011 Junction was featured in a piece on bottle conditioned beers from London in BEER August 2011. Read more about London bottle conditioned beers.
ABV: 4.5%, 4.7% (5% in bottle) and 4.2% Origin: Battersea, London SW11, England Website:
Sambrook's Junction
The departure of Young’s from London in 2006 […]
London Beer Tastings 2011. Export Stout was featured in a piece on bottle conditioned beers from London in BEER August 2011. Read more about London bottle conditioned beers.
ABV: 7.8% and 5.6% Origin: Bermondsey, London SE1, England Website:
Evin O'Riordan of The Kernel brewery, London SE1
Evin O’Riordan, founder and head brewer […]
London beer tastings 2011. For more Brodie’s beers , see previous post. For background to these tastings see the review of Amarilla. This beer featured in BEER August 2011 as part of a piece on bottle conditioned beers from London. Read about more bottled London beers.
ABV: 3.8%, 4.3% and 10% Origin: Leyton, London […]
European Beer Bloggers Conference 2011
ABV: 8.15% Origin: Stabio, Ticino, Switzerland Website:
Birrificio Ticinese Bad Attitude Two Penny Porter
Yes, another brewer with a bad attitude, this time explicity proclaimed, and hailing from well-behaved Switzerland, though from the Italian speaking region, within a stone’s throw of the Italian border. […]
Beer sellers: De Bierkoning
ABV: 5.8% Origin: Bodegraven, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands Website:
De Molen 1914 Porter
Another of the impressive range of porters and stouts to have emerged from under the “ark dove” windmill in Bodegraven, this limited edition beer was produced in 2008 by brewer Menno Olivier and beer historian Ron Pattinson, […]
Great American Beer Festival 2010
ABV: 5.7% Origin: Lahaina, Hawaii, USA Website:
Maui CoCoNut PorTeR
I’ d been wanting to try this celebrated speciality beer since I met its brewer, the charming Garrett W Marrero, at the Rake in London earlier this year, when he was over to brew a cask version […]
Cask This pioneering new book explains what makes cask beer so special, and explores its past, present and future. Order now from CAMRA Books. Read more here.
London’s Best Beer The fully updated 3rd edition of my essential award-winning guide to London’s vibrant beer scene is available now from CAMRA Books. Read more here.