They say…

Des de Moor
Best beer and travel writing award 2015, 2011 -- British Guild of Beer Writers Awards
Accredited Beer Sommelier
Writer of "Probably the best book about beer in London" - Londonist
"A necessity if you're a beer geek travelling to London town" - Beer Advocate
"A joy to read" - Roger Protz
"Very authoritative" - Tim Webb.
"One of the top beer writers in the UK" - Mark Dredge.
"A beer guru" - Popbitch.
Des de Moor


European Beer Bloggers Conference 2012

European Beer Bloggers Conference 2012

A display board listing the agenda for the second European Beer Bloggers’ Conference (EBBC) stood in the spacious foyer of the Leeds Metropole Hotel, provoking interest and, indeed, amusement among some of the guests at this landmark 1890s terracotta pile. Why does the idea of a beer bloggers’ conference seem so humorously incongruous? No doubt it’s partly the suspicion that it’s nothing more than a booze-up with a business disguise, offending that streak of British cultural Puritanism that views work and fun as mutually exclusive. But I suspect that an agenda for a food bloggers’ conference, or even a wine bloggers’ conference, might have elicited the envy without quite so many giggles.

The video below is courtesy of Marverine Cole —

At last year’s EBBC in London, the incongruity even provoked a disbelieving response among beer bloggers themselves, and some didn’t bother to turn up as a result. But those who did attend gave such glowing reports that this year several more bloggers overcame their cynicism and signed up, with attendance rising from 72 to over a hundred. We came with high expectations – last year’s had the buzz and freshness of something starting to happen, whereas this year’s was the ‘difficult second album’. And overall, those expectations weren’t disappointed.

Leeds landmark: the Dortmund drayman

EBBC is run by a small travel business, Zephyr Adventures, based in Boulder, Colorado, which also runs similar events for wine and fitness bloggers, and a US-based beer bloggers’ gathering that launched in 2010 (this year’s takes place in Indianapolis, Indiana, in mid-July). So far both European conferences have been in England, logically given the dominance of the local language in the beer blogging world, and unsurprisingly the vast majority of the attendees have come from Britain. This year there was a smattering from both parts of Ireland, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and even one lone soul from Bulgaria.

While it made sense to launch in London, Leeds proved an excellent next choice, drawing a welcome wave of new attendees from the north of England while not posing too much of a transport challenge from further afield. It’s one of those cities that’s important enough to boast a rich urban fabric and vibrant cultural life but in a compact and easily navigable space. And then there’s the impeccable beer credentials both of the city and the wider region.

Leeds’ brewing heritage is commemorated by its twinning with Dortmund, another city where the Industrial Revolution provided an eager market in proletarian thirst. A striking bronze sculpture of a portly drayman brandishing a beer cask, a gift from the German city, stands proudly in Dortmund Square. The great local survivor of large scale Victorian brewing was of course Tetley’s, which occupied a site on the southern edge of the city centre from 1822 until it was closed by longstanding owners Carlsberg last year. And while this was undoubtedly a sad loss, it was considerably mitigated by the presence of so many excellent small new breweries in the area, some of whom, like the eponymous Leeds Brewery, are now flourishing in the space left by Tetley’s departure.

Tetley’s Brewery, Leeds — or what’s left of it. May 2012.

That departure has already left a literal space too, as I discovered when I wandered across the river Aire on the Friday morning before the formal proceedings had started. A green heritage plaque still hung on the wall on the corner of Hunslet Road and Waterloo Street, but its narrative of the ongoing importance of the brewery in the city’s life was belied by the demolition site that lay beyond. Nearly all of the complex had already been flattened, with workers in hi-vis and heavy and rumbling yellow vehicles putting paid to the rest. The distinctive main frontage and the gatehouse still stood, presumably to be incorporated into whatever upmarket reinvention is planned for the site.

Writing and blogging can be quite solitary, and real life contact and conversation with others who share your interest immediately demonstrates its superiority over the semi- and pseudo-interaction of social networking and blog comment chains. Much of the EBBC’s value was in the informal socialising and the plenary discussions, chewing over issues such as motivations for blogging and the ethics of receiving free beer.

European Beer Bloggers Conference 2012: Spiegelau glass tasting

The formal sessions and presentations had plenty of content too, and on blogging as well as beer. Liz Cable, who started the UK’s first social media consultancy before the term was even invented, encouraged us to adopt listening and engagement strategies, imparting along the way the surprising statistic that, while only around 5% of people trust advertising, a third trust what even big companies say about themselves on social media.

One fascinating highlight was provided by Steve McGraw of drinking glass company Riedel UK, who helped us compare the effects of glassware on the sensory experience. Beers were served from a variety of different vessels: a standard pub-style pint pot and four specialist beer glasses developed by Bavarian company Spiegelau. I’ve long argued that standard British and American pub glasses fail to flatter good beer, and developed my own preference for stemmed and tapered wine-style glasses, but I’ve never tried a direct comparison before, with the same beer in each glass.

I was relieved to find myself vindicated. There’s an argument in favour of the waisted shapes and more open rims of the pils and tall Weissbier glasses for the appropriate styles, which help with head formation and dispersing the aroma, but my favourite was consistently the stemmed tulip glass, which concentrated the aromas and flavours superbly for serious tasting. The poor old pint pot did badly every time, though there were some suggestions it had been spiked with dishwasher powder. The thinness and clarity of the Spiegelau glasses adds to their appeal, but then they do retail at around £7 a piece, though we were all given a set to take away. “A beer glass is a precision instrument,” said Steve. The giggles in the foyer would doubtless have risen to guffaws at that.

Bottles line up at the Saturday night dinner, courtesy of MolsonCoors, European Beer Bloggers Conference 2012

Then there was Paul Corbett of hop merchants Charles Faram talking on current trends in international hop growing. Paul is a familiar figure in the brewing industry and one of the leading experts in his field, and his information-packed presentation commanded rapt attention, reflecting both his own skills and knowledge and the current interest in hops among beer connoisseurs. He covered everything from the reason why certain cult US varieties like Amarillo are in such short supply to the sad fact that the UK is now only seventh in the world league table of hop producers – in Paul’s view, if hop growing in Britain continues to slip below its current 1,040ha, it’s in real danger of becoming unsustainable.

Such insights from the industry are a key strength of these conferences. Many of the delegates – I’d guess the majority – are genuine ‘citizen bloggers’ who make no money from their beer writing but blog simply to share their passion and interest, and perhaps have less contact with industry people than those who also earn money from print writing, so such learning and contacts can only help raise awareness levels in both bloggers and readers.

Mark Dredge, Zak Avery and Marverine Cole take things to the next level, European Beer Bloggers Conference 2012.

While some are content with their citizen status, others are more ambitious, seeing blogging as a way in to paid writing work or jobs in the industry. The issues that arise from this were articulated by Zak Avery and Mark Dredge, both respected bloggers who have made careers for themselves both in paid writing and in beer retail and brewing respectively. They were joined in an engaging session by Marverine Cole – an already successful regional TV journalist and presenter with a sideline as a blogger, beer advocate and host of tasting events.

Established professional beer writers who happen to blog, both part time like me and full time like Adrian Tierney-Jones and Simon Jenkins, and various brewers, licensees and other industry figures added to the mix. Any potential dividing lines between professional and amateur (in the best possible sense), full time and part time, producer and consumer, were quickly eroded by shared passion and interest. It might sound cutesy, but this passion and enthusiasm for the subject – the sort of thing that can make even a veteran brewer working for a multinational grin with childlike delight at the scent of some exotic hop – is one of the things that makes the beer world such a pleasant place to live in.

Events like this depend on sponsors and it’s good to see that some people in the industry with access to serious moneybags have been listening to the statistics quoted by Liz Cable, recognising the influence of new media and the citizen blogger. And given the obvious dangers, it’s also good to see that ethics, honesty and transparency are firmly on the agenda of the beer blogging community. Two big names have stumped up for this event two years running: MolsonCoors and SAB-Miller, the latter fronting with their Pilsner Urquell brand. Wisely, both had also left room for smaller producers, including an array of fine brewers like Camden Town, Ilkley, Leeds, Magic Rock, Marble, Otley, Roosters, Williams Brothers and craft names from Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden that featured across the weekend.

I said last year that MolsonCoors get craft beer better than others in their bracket, and they proved it again this year largely through the presence of Sharp’s brewer Stuart Howe as keynote speaker and beer sommelier for the Friday night dinner. SAB-Miller, though, strayed rather too far into corporate territory for my taste by attempting to stage manage Saturday evening, when a dinner and a quiz proved a pretext for some not-so-soft marketing of Pilsner Urquell, perpetuating some dodgy myths about the beer’s history.

But that’s a small gripe about what was overall a well organised, well balanced and useful weekend. Let’s hope that EBBC gives many more hotel patrons the opportunity to snigger.

Beer picks

Lamb KT6

London’s Best Beer, Pubs and Bars updates
Southwest London: Other locations – Surbiton

The Lamb, Surbiton KT6 (London)

Contemporary pub (Independent)
73 Brighton Road, Surbiton KT6 5NF
T 020 8390 9229
Open 1200-2300 (2400 Thu-Sat). Children very welcome until 1900.
Cask beer 3 (Surrey Hills, 2 unusual often local guests) Cask Marque, Other beer 2 bottles, Also 19 wines, some whiskies.
Food Specialist English cheese boards, Outdoor Beer garden with play area, Wifi.
Thu afternoon mums’ pub quiz, regular charity events, monthly cheese nights, board games, big screen rugby.

The place name Surbiton even sounds like suburbia – the sprawl of genteel housing downriver from Kingston would once have been referred to as the ‘stockbroker belt’, although these days you’re as likely to find a stockbroker in a converted Docklands warehouse than in the leafy Surrey fringes. It’s worth the trip to discover this gem of a local pub which, perhaps contrary to what you might expect from the area, is bursting with individuality and character. Don’t expect a huge range; the philosophy here is ‘less is more’ and the cask beers are deliberately restricted to three so all can be served in immaculate condition, one of the reasons why the pub was named Pub of the Year by the local CAMRA branch in 2012. One beer is always Surrey Hills Ranmore, the others may well hail from local breweries like Redemption, Sambrook’s or Twickenham. Leffe in the fridge provides another option. A second speciality is artisanal English cheeses, and the monthly themed cheese event, Homage de fromage, is often sold out in advance.

Landlord Adam, who first took over as a tenant in 2007, persuaded Enterprise to sell them the freehold in 2010, enabling the pub’s personality to shine through even more strongly. He describes it half apologetically as “Bohemian” – appropriate for a pub in Brighton Road. Giant spiders, trolls, cacti and a curious industrial art installation bedeck the walls of this smallish single room space, and there are board games rather than the TV for distraction. Children will also find plenty to amuse them, including a charming garden with play equipment. The pub has a proud record of near-monthly fundraising events, some of which are organised elsewhere, and has chalked up £70,000 for local charity Creative Youth. And you’ve got to love a place where you’re as likely to find the landlord building a giant Ker-Plunk game in the garden as pulling pints behind the bar.

National Rail Surbiton Cycling LCN+ Kingston, Tolworth, link to NCN 4, LCN+ 3 Walking Link to Thames Path

Citizen Smith SW15

London’s Best Beer, Pubs and Bars updates
Southwest London: Other locations – Putney

Mural at Citizen Smith, London SW15

Bar (Lost Society)
160 Putney High Street SW15 1RS
T 020 8780 2235 w f citizensmithbar tw citizensmithSW
Open 1200 (1700 Mon)-2300 (2400 Thu, 0200 FS, 2230 Sn). Children welcome until 1800.
Cask beer 2 (Windsor & Eton, 1 unusual guest), Other beer 7 keg, 35 bottles, Also Cocktails, champagne, wines, specialist spirits.
Food Pizzas, hot dogs, salads, Wifi.
Tue pizza promotion, Wed, Sun live acoustic music, Thu mojito night, Fri-Sat DJs, TV for major sporting events.

One of a cluster of southwest London venues under the same ownership as Powder Keg Diplomacy in Battersea, Citizen Smith has actually been around a few years longer than its stablemate but has only recently evolved its beer range sufficiently to catch my notice, thanks in part to new manager Juan, formerly of the Draft House Tower Bridge (p55). Conveniently situated right opposite Putney station, it’s a late arriving product of London’s 1990s fashionable flirtation with cocktail bar culture, but was always intended as a dressed down, shoes off sort of place rather than a glitzy temple of mixology – probably a wise policy in Putney. It’s a single big room bedecked with pop culture murals (Grace Jones figures prominently), dining tables, slobby sofas and an 8-track cartridge collection. They still shake, strain and perform elaborate procedures with exotic spirits, fresh mint and citrus fruits here, but in a sure sign of the changing place of beer in the capital’s drinking culture, they increasingly pump real ale and pour good bottles too.

Two different and regularly changing beers from Windsor & Eton feature on the handpumps, with a guest that might come from Arbor, Dark Star or Thornbridge. Among the familiar US names on the keg taps you’ll also find more unusual beers from Kernel and a house-branded Belgian lager, plus a changing craft porter or stout (Odell when I called). There’s more Kernel in the fridges, alongside BrewDog, Flying Dog, Goose Island, Orval and Redchurch. Pizzas with imaginative toppings emerge from a wood fired oven – tweet about the place and they promise 10% off your food bill. The music policy tens towards retro and rock’n’roll.

Pub trivia. The name recalls a 1970s sitcom featuring Robert Lindsay as a would-be suburban revolutionary – except that someone seems to have forgotten his rallying cry was “Freedom for Tooting!”, which for some reason is marginally more amusing than “Freedom for Putney!”

National Rail Putney Underground East Putney River Putney Cycling NCN 4, LCN+ 3 37, links to NCN 20, CS8 Walking Thames Path

Sun SM5

London’s Best Beer, Pubs and Bars updates
Southwest London: Other locations – Carshalton

The Sun, Carshalton SM5 (London)

Contemporary pub (Independent)
4 North Street, Carshalton SM5 2HU
T 020 8773 4549 w f The-Sun-Carshalton
Open 1200 (1700 Mon)-2300 (2400 Fri-Sat, 2230 Sun). Children very welcome until 1900.
Cask beer 5 (Sharp’s or Timothy Taylor, 4 often unusual guests) Cask Marque, Other beer 3 keg, 5 bottles, Also 26 wines.
Food Upmarket pub grub, Outdoor Large beer garden, Wifi. Disabled toilet.
Mon poker, Tue quiz, Wed wine night, Thu gourmet supper club, monthly acoustic music, board games.

Carshalton boasts an outstanding small pub, the community run Hope (p216), which is well worth a train trip into suburbia on its own account, but the Sun, only a short walk from the station, has possibilities too. This cheerful, comfortable and rather eccentrically decorated place is a multipurpose community local, with a busy programme of events and promotions. A mix of spaces includes a rather blokey main bar complemented by a soft centred family room complete with high chairs and games. Expect to see Doom Bar or Landlord as a cask staple, with guests sourced from a large range of often small breweries. Acorn, Blindmans, Cheddar, Dark Star, Downton, Fyne, Thornbridge and Triple fff are among those featured in the pump clip display on the wall of the rear corridor leading to an extensive and very verdant garden. Perhaps not a soaraway Sun, especially give the local competition, but it might still make you beam.

National Rail Carshalton Cycling NCN 20, LCN+ 75 Walking Wandle Trail

Cats Back SW18

London’s Best Beer, Pubs and Bars updates
Southwest London: Wandsworth

Cats Back, London SW18

Contemporary pub (Harveys)
86-88 Point Pleasant SW18 1NN
T 020 8877 0818
Open 1200-2300 (2400 Fri-Sat, may close 1430-1700 Mon-Thu). Children welcome until early evening.
Cask beer 4 (Harveys), Other beer 12 bottles (Harveys), Also 17 wines.
Food Imaginative enhanced pub grub, Outdoor Rear terrace, Wifi. Disabled toilet.
Seasonal events, live music, functions.

For many years the Royal Oak in Borough (p61) enjoyed the distinction of being the only pub in London tied to Harveys of Lewes. That changed in May 2012 when the Cats Back, only a stone’s throw from the river at Wandsworth, reopened under the banner of the well regarded Sussex brewer. Tucked away in what was formerly an industrial area around the confluence of the Thames and the Wandle, this former free house had previously enjoyed a reputation for live music and eccentricity, with a junk collection led by a full sized vintage petrol pump installed outside. Meanwhile the surroundings mutated into the Wandsworth Riverside development, with luxury flats overlooking the riverside terraces of rather bland-looking bars.

The petrol pump and the deliberate eccentricity have now gone, but in compensation a thorough restoration indoors has brought taste and gravitas to a lovely old building. Heavy wooden benches and tables cluster round a central servery downstairs, with a wall full of vintage photos of other Harvey’s pubs, while a pleasant first floor room adds to the space. A surprisingly extensive beer terrace and garden is down a few steps at the back. Friendly new tenants Stuart and Natalie serve up a short, frequently changing menu that might include smoked salmon and scrambled egg, sausage and mash or rösti with spinach and rocket. The beer offer demonstrates there is more to Harvey’s than the ubiquitous Sussex Best, with seasonals and specials on cask, and the complete range of the brewery’s noteworthy bottled beers, including strong stuff like Elizabethan Ale and the benchmark Imperial Russian Stout.

National Rail Wandsworth Town Underground East Putney River Wandsworth RQ Cycling NCN 4 20, CS8, NCN+ 37 Walking Thames Path, Wandle Trail

Crown and Anchor SW9

London’s Best Beer, Pubs and Bars updates
Southwest London: Brixton and Stockwell

Crown and Anchor, London SW9

Contemporary pub, specialist (Jolly Butchers)
246 Brixton Road SW9 6AQ
w tw crownanchorsw9
Open 1630 (1200 Sat-Sun)-2400 (0100 Fri-Sat, 2300 Sun). Children welcome until early evening.
Cask beer 7 (Unusual, often local guests), Other beer 13 keg, 50 bottles, Also 3 real ciders/perries, some specialist spirits.
Food Gastroish daily changing menu, Outdoor Benches on street, Wifi.

Turning decaying pubs with a fearsome local reputation into decent and successful drinking (and eating) houses through the medium of craft beer has become something of a trend in the London licensed trade. One of the early pioneers was the Jolly Butchers in Stoke Newington (p158) and now that pub’s owner Martin Harley is working his magic south of the river. When originally researching my guide I struggled to find recommendations in Brixton, so Martin’s reworking of the Crown and Anchor is particularly welcome. Admittedly it’s a little outside the town centre, among a rather ragged parade of shops, but it’s still a welcome addition to this diverse community.

It’s a big Victorian boozer with some heritage, claiming amongst other things to be the home of London’s first rock’n’roll club, but its original interior has long since been effaced and knocked through. The new owners have wisely stripped it back to big plain glass windows, bare brick and pillars offset by arty light fittings, but the old bar counter has been preserved and restored and there are a couple of unusual arches at the back. The pub adjoins Slade Gardens, a little known but rather pretty park, opening up opportunities for al fresco drinking.

Seven changing cask handpumps line up by style and strength from light to dark and strong, with local suppliers like Ascot, By the Horns, Redemption and Windsor & Eton joining craft beer favourites Dark Star and Thornbridge. BrewDog and Camden Town get two keg taps each, and Huyghe’s politically incorrect strong ale Delirium Tremens is a regular feature, joined by Brooklyn, Paulaner, Schremser and changing guests. Regular British mass market brands are conspicuously absent. The bottled list combines Londoners like Brodie’s, Camden Town, Kernel and Meantime with US and Belgian classics – don’t expect serious rarities but there may be a few surprises. The food menu is shortish, imaginative and changes daily – beer battered monkfish, broad bean and goat cheese risotto and German sausage platters are typical choices.

Underground Stockwell, Brixton Bus Groveway (numerous Brixton, Oval) Cycling Link to CS7

Kernel Brewery SE16

London’s Best Beer, Pubs and Bars updates
Southeast London: Other locations – Bermondsey

Kernel Brewery, London SE16

Brewpup, bar (Kernel)
11 Dockley Road Industrial Estate SE16 3SF
T 0775 7552636 w f kernel.brewery tw kernelbrewery
Open 0900-1500 Sat (closed other days). Children welcome.
Cask beer None, Other beer 3 keg, 6-8 bottles (Kernel).
Food None but adjacent arches sell cheese, charcuterie, baked goods, Wifi. Disabled toilet.
Informal brewery tours.

The Kernel brewery is the most notable recent success story of London brewing. Its superbly crafted and award winning products are winning a whole new audience for fine beer, and inspiring numerous would-be London brewers. Kernel’s practice of throwing open its doors every Saturday as a makeshift bar and off license has only added to its reputation. Customers can meet brewery staff (founder Evin O’Riordan is often in attendance), view the scale and craft at first hand and understand more of the story behind the bottles with their stylish minimalist labels. The brewery is part of a small community of specialist food and drink suppliers once connected with Borough Market, all of whom sell direct to the public in this way, so Kernel’s beer is claiming its place beside other products – cheese, charcuterie, bread, coffee – which are perhaps better known as potential gourmet fare.

At the end of March 2012 Kernel relocated with many of its former neighbours to a different set of railway arches a little further down the North Kent railway line into Bermondsey, a move partly spurred by lease issues that also created much needed extra space to satisfy a swelling order book. Thankfully the open Saturdays have continued in the more spacious surroundings, although the arrangements still look delightfully improvised, with benches and tables built from planking, cardboard boxes and kegs – the public area is used as a workspace at other times. Kernel’s excellent pale ales and a changing selection of specials are served fresh from the conditioning tanks on keg under light pressure, and there’s always an interesting range of bottled beers to drink in or take away, including some that are hard to find elsewhere.

There are no formal tours but if you show an interest you may be offered a look at the brewhouse. The only disappointment is that the yard around the arches, with its patches of grass and trees, is off limits to drinkers due to licensing restrictions. Well worth a wander down the side streets of Bermondsey and an essential stop on the beer tourist’s itinerary. For more about the brewery see p273.

Underground Bermondsey Cycling Links to NCN 4, LCN+ 22 183 Walking Link to Thames Path, Jubilee Greenway

Draft House Lordship SE22

London’s Best Beer, Pubs and Bars updates
Southeast: Camberwell, Dulwich and Peckham

Draft House Lordship, London SE22

Bar, specialist (Draft House)
21 Lordship Lane SE22 8EW
T 020 8299 3511 w f drafthouseuk tw DraftHouseLL
Open 1200 (1000 Sat)-2300 (2400 Thu, 0100 Fri-Sat, 2230 Sun). Children welcome until early evening.
Cask beer 3 (Sambrook’s, Dark Star), Other beer 14 keg, 50 bottles, Also Some specialist spirits, bottled ciders and perries.
Food British/diner menu, Outdoor Small terrace on street, Wifi. Disabled toilet.
Quiz, beer events.

The latest addition to the Draft House chain opened in April 2012 in up and coming surroundings at the top of Lordship Lane where Peckham meets Dulwich, round the corner from the Blake mural and a shortish step from Peckham Rye Park. The narrow but deep space, which began as a shop, until recently housed a well loved local cocktail bar. It’s decked out much like the other branches in fresh looking wood with furniture and panelling painted a cheerful green shade. There’s a small but pleasant street terrace, a front drinking area and a food-oriented space with padded benches at the back. Food is the standard Draft House combination of cheerful British, light hearted American and solid German-inspired heart health-challenging fare, like gourmet burgers and hot dogs, brunches, “meat bombs” involving Bolognese encased in melted cheese, and rich veggie macaroni gratin.

All the Draft Houses pitch themselves at a broad audience with a decent but accessible craft beer list – casks from Sambrook’s and Redemption, a choice of good but easy drinking keg lagers and pale ales from the likes of Camden Town, Kaltenberg, Palm and Stiegl, and Brooklyn East India Pale Ale, Great Divide Yeti and Redchurch Hoxton Stout alongside the kitsch likes of Pabst Lone Star in the fridges. Menus come complete with beer matches and recommended bottles are divided into Everyday and Extreme – it’s refreshing to see Left Hand Milk Stout listed as an everyday beer. The place still needs to evolve its own character, but remains a local asset, and there’s a decent Antic pub, the East Dulwich Tavern, only a few doors away.

National Rail East Dulwich Cycling Links to LCN+ 22 23 25

Barrel and Horn BR1

London’s Best Beer, Pubs and Bars updates
Southeast London: Bromley

Barrel and Horn, Bromley BR1 (London)

Contemporary pub (Fuller’s)
206 High Street, Bromley BR1 1PW
T 020 8290 2039 w f BarrelAndHorn tw BarrelAndHorn
Open 1200-2300 (2330 FS, 2230 Sn). Children very welcome until 1900.
Cask beer 3 (guests, sometimes local/unusual), Other beer 7-12 keg, 18+ bottles, Also 1 real cider, Bourbons and a few other whiskies, quality tea and coffee.
Food Imaginative pub grub, Outdoor Small rear yard, Wifi. Disabled toilet.
Mon quiz, Thu open mic, Fri-Sat folk and acoustic music.

It’s a Fuller’s pub, but not as we know it. Formerly saddled with the rather naff name Tom Foolery, this shop front site reopened in November 2011 as a venue capable of attracting a younger and less traditional, but still discerning, audience while still satisfying real ale drinkers. Fuller’s beers are by no means a fixture – casks might come from Adnams, By the Horns, London Fields, Skinners, Thornbridge or Windsor & Eton, while besides Honeydew the kegs include Budweiser Budvar, Innis & Gunn and Meantime Stout. Most of the bottles are better known craft brands – Anchor, Goose Island, Little Creatures, Meantime – but there’s no doubting manager Mike’s passion for beer.

The deliberately quirky décor is accomplished well enough to be endearing, with a retro feel that extends to a whole alcove furnished like something out of a 1950s Ideal Home exhibition, ukuleles on the wall and pots of basil on the tables. Delightful hand drawn cartoon menus list intriguing delights, while big picture windows open in good weather onto the High Street. If the council proceeds with its ‘Bromley Boulevard’ plans, the environment will improve still further. A more traditional Fuller’s pub with an excellent cellar, the Partridge, is only a few doors down in an impressive converted bank (194 High Street BR1 1HE).

National Rail Bromley North, Bromley South Cycling LCN+ 22 27 75

Camden Town Brewery Bar NW5

London’s Best Beer, Pubs and Bars updates
North London: Kentish Town

Camden Town Brewery Bar, London NW5

Brewpub, bar (Camden Town)
55 Wilkin Street Mews NW5 3NN
T 020 7485 1671 w f CamdenBrewery tw CamdenBrewery
Open 1600 (1200 Sat)-2000 (2300 Fri, closed Sun-Wed). Children welcome until early evening.
Cask beer 1 (occasional), Other beer 9-12 keg, up to 20 bottles.
Food Rotating popup street food, Outdoor Front terrace, Wifi. Disabled toilet.
Brewery tours.

Camden Town was already one of the most dynamic and ambitious of London’s new crop of breweries. Now it’s reaffirmed its place in London’s beery consciousness still further by turning over one of its arches under Kentish Town Overground for a showcase brewery bar, another tactic borrowed from US craft brewers. Nine keg taps dispense the brewery’s regulars Hells (both filtered and unfiltered), Ink, Pale and Wheat, plus various specials and seasonals. Guest taps may occasionally be given over to fellow London or imported US brewers. Cask lines are absent – the brewery produces very little in the format, but one-off casks may appear occasionally on the bar. All the house bottled beers are available to take away as well as drink in, with plans to add ‘growlers’ for take away draught beer and a second fridge for guest bottles.

It’s a great use of space – the arch is painted clean white, with simple bench seating and shelves and beer posters for decoration. A glass front looks out onto an outdoor courtyard where rotating popup food providers ply their trade, and a park beyond. On a late afternoon in good weather the whole place proves a surprisingly effective sun trap. It’s popular not only with keen beer hunters but locals who’ve found it a pleasant place to install themselves for a few hours. Free brewery tours are best booked in advance. For more about the brewery see p268.

National Rail Kentish Town Overground Kentish Town West Underground Camden Town, Kentish Town Cycling LCN+ 6A