5a Clarendon Yard, Coburg Road N22 6TZ (Haringey)
First sold beer: September 2019 (at own site)
The Goodness emerged out of the amusingly named Wood Green Hopping City, founded in 2016 as one of several community hop collectives in London, groups of locals who grow hops in gardens and allotments and pool the harvest to create an annual special beer. At first the beers were cuckoo-brewed by Damien Legg and Mike Stirling with Zack Ahmed, including at the Prince and Florence brewpubs and in Sheffield, and sold through local markets. Joe Sheasgreen and Oliver Newbery became involved to help build the business.
Production ramped up several notches in August 2019 with the commissioning of a substantial installation with a 15 hl Chinese-built brewhouse and 30 hl fermenters, complete with steam heating plant and water filter. It’s located in a large industrial unit in Clarendon Yards opposite Wood Green’s repurposed Chocolate Factory.

The cask-drinking founders are committed to the format, but also produce beer in keg and can.
Updated 10 December 2021.
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