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Best beer and travel writing award 2015, 2011 -- British Guild of Beer Writers Awards
Accredited Beer Sommelier
Writer of "Probably the best book about beer in London" - Londonist
"A necessity if you're a beer geek travelling to London town" - Beer Advocate
"A joy to read" - Roger Protz
"Very authoritative" - Tim Webb.
"One of the top beer writers in the UK" - Mark Dredge.
"A beer guru" - Popbitch.

Top Tastings 2008. A shorter version appeared on facebook January 2009.
ABV: 4.7% Origin: Penjamo, Guanajuato, México Website:
Mexicana Potro
This beer, which claims to be a porter, split our tasting team down the middle when it popped up at the Tesco Drinks Awards judging in 2008. Although a blind tasting, the […]
Featured as a selection from the new Good Bottled Beer Guide in BEER August 2009. For more selections see previous post.
ABV: 4.8% Origin: Market Weston, Suffolk, England Website:
Old Chimneys Brewery
Former Greene King, Vaux and Broughton brewer Dr Alan Thomson has consistently produced small runs of innovative beers from his […]
Top Tastings 2008. Featured in BEER February 2009 as an ale to win lager drinkers.
ABV: 4.7% Origin: Cheddar, Somerset, England Website:
Cheddar Totty Pot
Established in 2006, this small brewery near the tourist hotspot of Cheddar Gorge soon won a reputation for good quality beers, including a bottle conditioned range. Its […]
First published in BEER April 2008 as part of a piece on beer in Sainsbury’s.
ABV: 4.7, 6.5 and 7.5 per cent Origin: Charlton, London, England Website
Meantime Pale Ale
When Heriot-Watt and Weihenstephan-trained brewer Alastair Hook set up on his own in an industrial unit a stone’s throw from the Thames […]
First published in BEER September 2007. Since then the brewery has taken over Cumbrian Legendary Ales at Hawkshead and relocated brewing to this site.
ABV: 4.3 per cent Origin: Loweswater, Cumbria Website
Loweswater Grasmoor Dark Ale
Another local CAMRA award-winning small pub brewery [in addition to Farmer’s Ales, responsible for Golden Boar, […]
Great British Beer Festival Real Ale in a Bottle Bar 2006
ABV: 4.5% Origin: Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, England Website:
RCH Old Slug Porter Dark Ale
RCH, a veteran among British micros of bottle conditioned ales, originated behind the Royal Clarence Hotel at Burnham-on-Sea in 1983, thus its acronymic title, but moved to a […]
First published in BEER July 2006 as part of a page about beers from the USA available in the UK. See previous post for more beers from the USA.
ABV: 5.6 per cent Origin: San Francisco, California, USA Website
Anchor Porter
The Anchor brewery of San Francisco has a special significance both […]
National Winter Ales Festival 2010
ABV: 6.5% Origin: Elland, West Yorkshire, England Website:
E&S Elland 1872 Porter
2010’s overall Champion Beer of Britain is a previous runner-up, the highly deserving Elland 1872 porter, based on a recipe from the eponymous year. The brewery, in the small Calderdale town of Elland, originates from […]
Top Tastings 2009 The beer also featured in BEER May 2011 as part of a piece on the influence of different malts on beer flavour. See additional text below, and to read about other beers featured see Vale Black Swan.
ABV: 4.8% Origin: Market Deeping, Lincolnshire Website:
Nigel Wright’s Hopshackle […]
Top Tastings 2009
ABV: 8% Origin: Esen, West Vlaanderen Website:
De Dolle Brouwers Cosmos Porter
This experimental brew divides opinion. I’ve spoken to several people who have hated it, and even its brewer, Kris Herteleer, seemed in two minds about it when serving it to the public at the 2009 Zythos beer […]
Cask This pioneering new book explains what makes cask beer so special, and explores its past, present and future. Order now from CAMRA Books. Read more here.
London’s Best Beer The fully updated 3rd edition of my essential award-winning guide to London’s vibrant beer scene is available now from CAMRA Books. Read more here.