They say… 
Best beer and travel writing award 2015, 2011 -- British Guild of Beer Writers Awards
Accredited Beer Sommelier
Writer of "Probably the best book about beer in London" - Londonist
"A necessity if you're a beer geek travelling to London town" - Beer Advocate
"A joy to read" - Roger Protz
"Very authoritative" - Tim Webb.
"One of the top beer writers in the UK" - Mark Dredge.
"A beer guru" - Popbitch.

Coopers Original Pale Ale
ABV: 4.5% Origin: Regency Park, City of Port Adelaide Enfield, South Australia Website: Date: 18 September 2000
Another review from the archive written for the pioneering Oxford Bottled Beer Database (OBBD). I’ve left it uncorrected — so please read it in that historical spirit. A beer from a […]
European Beer Bloggers Conference 2012 Top Tastings 2012 (Siberia)
ABV: 3.5% and 5.9% Origin: Ilkley, Bradford, England Website:
Ilkley Mary Jane
It’s a generational thing, not a Yorkshire thing. When I heard that the Ilkley brewery’s flagship cask ale goes by the name of Mary Jane, it made perfect sense. The […]
Beer sellers: Abbaye des Saveurs
ABV: 6% Origin: Auchy-les Mines, Pas de Calais, France Website:
Artésienne St Glinglin Limited Edition Single Hop Amarillo
You’ll look in vain for the delightfully assonant St Glinglin (pronounced like ‘san-glan-glan’ but with French nasalised vowels) in the Dictionary of Saints. When a French speaker says something […]
Top Tastings 2011
ABV: 3.8% Origin: Cairndow, Argyll & Bute, Scotland Website:
Fyne Ales Jarl
Cask golden ales are now as ubiquitous in Britain as traditional bitter, and most, it’s sad to say, make for relatively bland, if refreshing, drinking. One of the ways some of them are marking themselves out is […]
London Beer Tastings 2011
ABV: 3% and 6.1% Origin: Tottenham, London N17, England Website:
Redemption Trinity
Redemption, launched early in 2010, now seems like something of a veteran among the new wave of London brewers. Impressive from the start, it’s rapidly settled down into a consistently performing and reliable source of decent […]
London beer tastings 2011 For more background on the brewery see Camden Town Hells Lager
ABV: 4.5% and 5% Origin: Kentish Town, London NW5, England Website:
Tap handles line up at Camden Town Brewery. Pic: Mark Dredge.
Although the marvellously juicy and refreshing Hells Lager is to me Camden Town’s greatest achievement […]
London beer tastings 2011. For more Brodie’s beers and more background to the brewery, see previous post.
ABV: 3.1%, 3.9% and 5.7% Origin: Leyton, London E10, England Website:
Brodie's Citra
Like the brewery’s Amarilla, Citra is a popular, refreshing and approachable beer featuring an especially fragrant new US hop. A cask […]
Beer sellers: Scottish Real Ale Shop
ABV: 6% Origin: Swannay, Orkney, Scotland Website:
Highland (Swannay) Orkney Blast
One of Britain’s most northerly breweries and one of its more ambitious, the Highland Brewing Company’s Swannay Brewery was established by Rob Hill, formerly with the Orkney Brewery, originally as a beer firm that contracted […]
ABV: 4.8% Origin: Alresford, Hampshire, England Website:
This beer featured in a piece about the influence of different malts on beer flavour on the bottled beer review page in the May 2011 issue of BEER magazine, sent free every quarter to CAMRA members, who can also view it online. The magazine is also available […]
Cask This pioneering new book explains what makes cask beer so special, and explores its past, present and future. Order now from CAMRA Books. Read more here.
London’s Best Beer The fully updated 3rd edition of my essential award-winning guide to London’s vibrant beer scene is available now from CAMRA Books. Read more here.