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Best beer and travel writing award 2015, 2011 -- British Guild of Beer Writers Awards
Accredited Beer Sommelier
Writer of "Probably the best book about beer in London" - Londonist
"A necessity if you're a beer geek travelling to London town" - Beer Advocate
"A joy to read" - Roger Protz
"Very authoritative" - Tim Webb.
"One of the top beer writers in the UK" - Mark Dredge.
"A beer guru" - Popbitch.

Top Tastings 2008. A shorter version appeared on facebook January 2009. Beer sellers: Beermania
ABV: 5.5% Origin: Èthe, Luxembourg, Wallonie Website:
Sainte Hélène La Djean d'Mady
Founded in 1999 by home brewer Eddy Pourtois, who named it after a street he walked down when working as a postman, Ste-Hélène, originally in Virton, […]
First published in BEER July 2007 as part of a piece on French beer. For more French beers see previous post. Beer sellers: Cave à bulles
ABV: 5.8 per cent Origin: Esquelbecq, Nord, France Website
Thiriez La Rouge Flamande
Like most place names around Dunkirk, the name Esquelbecq is originally Dutch – […]
ABV: 6.3% Origin: Purnode, Namur, Wallonie Website:
Du Bocq Gauloise Blonde
1001 Beers You Must Try Before You Die
A full review of this beer is featured in the book 1001 Beers You Must Try Before You Die, published May 2010 by Cassell Illustrated.
Buy the book from
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A shorter version of this review was first published in BEER February 2010 as part of a piece about beers to taste with chocolate.
ABV: 6% Origin: Rulles, Luxembourg, Wallonie Website:,
Rulles JeanChris Numéro 1
Chocolate may seem a curious entry on the long list of foods that go better with […]
Top Tastings 2009
ABV: 4.8% Origin: Malle, Antwerpen, Vlaanderen Website:
Westmalle Extra
The Cistercian Trappist Abdij Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van het Heilig Hart van Westmalle, on the main N12 road between Antwerpen and Turnhout in the Belgian Kempen, is home to arguably the most influential, and alongside Chimay the most commercially active, of the […]
Top Tastings 2009
ABV: 6.5% Origin: Binche, Hainaut, Wallonie Website:
Binche / Belgoo Luppoo
Historically, hop character hasn’t figured highly on the list of all the many and varied features of Belgian beers, which are better known for their richly malty, sweetish, sour and spicy flavours. According to lambic brewer Frank Boon, […]
Originally published in BEER February 2006.
To read about more beers stocked by Morrisons, see previous post.
ABV 6.5 per cent Origin Berkel-Enschot, North Brabant, the Netherlands Buy from Morrisons, other supermarkets and specialist shops Website
Koningshoeven La Trappe Blond
In October 2005 the number of official Trappist breweries in the world […]
Originally published in BEER February 2006
ABV 5.5 per cent Origin Purnode, Namur, Belgium Buy from Morrisons, specialist shops Website
Du Bocq La Gauloise Ambrée
In March 2004, when Yorkshire-based grocer Morrisons turned itself into the fourth largest supermarket chain in the UK by swallowing up rival Safeway and converting all its […]
Originally published in What’s Brewing July 2005
Origin: Villers-devant-Orval, Luxembourg province, Belgium ABV: 6 per cent Buy from specialist suppliers Website
Orval is one of the world’s most unusual and distinctive ales as well as one of its finest. It’s one of the family of Belgian beers brewed under the supervision […]
Cask This pioneering new book explains what makes cask beer so special, and explores its past, present and future. Order now from CAMRA Books. Read more here.
London’s Best Beer The fully updated 3rd edition of my essential award-winning guide to London’s vibrant beer scene is available now from CAMRA Books. Read more here.