Sylvan Post, London SE23
London’s Best Beer, Pubs and Bars updates
Southeast London: Other locations – Forest Hill
Contemporary pub (Antic)
24 Dartmouth Road SE23 3XU
T 020 8291 5712 w sylvanpost.com f Sylvan-Post tw sylvanpost
Open 1600 (1200 SSn)-2400. Children very welcome until early evening.
Cask beer 4-5 (Unusual often local guests), Other beer 3 keg, 10 bottles, Also 1 cider, 16 wines.
Food Short but imaginative gastroish menu, Outdoor Tables on street, Wifi. Disabled toilet.
Table football, monthly live music, quiz, functions.
When Forest Hill post office fell victim to cost cutting measures relocating some local services to WH Smith branches in 2008, there were concerns that its old purpose built site on Dartmouth Road would become yet another bookie. But instead it eventually became a pub, reopening in February 2012 as part of the Antic group with a new name that puns on the area’s woody past.
The new owners haven’t had to import too much of their trademark quirkiness here – instead, rather delighfully, reminders of the building’s former use have been incorporated into the redesign. The surfaces on which customers once filled out postal orders and car tax applications are now high tables for vertical drinking, and there are two very snug snugs in the rather forbidding old strongrooms, while framed telegrams decorate the walls.
This is a youthful place with an imaginative craft beer offer, including cask from locals like By the Horns and Redemption or more experimental producers like Arbor Ales or llkley. Kegs from Cotswold, Meantime and Moor are supplemented by bottles from Brookyn, Cooper’s, Schneider, Sierra Nevada and the occasional local offering. A regularly changing menu might include pan fried whole bream or summer vegetable broth. Now the top recommendation for the area, first class, special delivery and all.
National Rail Overground Forest Hill Cycling LCN+ Deptford, Penge, Crystal Palace Walking Green Chain Walk
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