Originally published in BEER December 2003.
NOTE This review forms part of what was originally published as a single longer article. See the previous post for an introduction to Imperial stouts and the first review. See the next post to continue reading about further Imperial stouts.
See all parts of this article: http://desdemoor.co.uk/?tag=imperial-stouts-beer-2003
Origin: Market Weston, Suffolk, England
ABV: 9.6%

This beer is actually named after a brassica called Good King Henry, which looks like this.
Old Chimneys Good King Henry Imperial Stout (9.6%) also originates from a micro that isn’t afraid to experiment, based at Market Weston in Suffolk. Its blackcurrant pastille, marmite and coffee aroma and dense black ruby-tinged appearance are very alluring, but I found the big malty palate a tad too sweet and syrupy. A good roast and hop flavour develops in the lingering finish, where the sweetness turns slightly sherryish.
See the next post to read about more Imperial stouts.
See all parts of this article: http://desdemoor.co.uk/?tag=imperial-stouts-beer-2003
Read more about this beer at ratebeer.com: http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/old-chimneys-good-king-henry/23554/
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