Pakenham Arms, London WC1
It’s testament to the current dynamism of the beer scene in London that, 11 months after I finally drew the line under the ever-growing list of potential contents for The CAMRA Guide to London’s Best Beer, Pubs and Bars, I’ve just posted a near-40 page update listing around 65 additional places to drink (and with still more to investigate), and 21 operating breweries — over 50% more than when the book went to press.
This is the second PDF update, the first having been published simultaneously with the book itself, and collects together all the additional pub and shop reviews and brewery updates that have appeared on this site in a handy format similar to the book itself. You can download it here.
To make things easier for readers, the essential additions are highlighted. They include an impressive list of new beer specialists. Beer Boutique, The Botanist, BrewDog Camden, the Bull, the Craft Beer Company, the Duchess of Cambridge and Tap East are among the names that have grabbed beer geeks’ attention but there are other important newcomers, like Antic’s craft beer flagship the Red Lion and the dazzling Sussex Arms out in Twickenham.
More modest developments like the revamped Pakenham Arms, the new management at the Duke of Hamilton and the reopened Tapping the Admiral are also welcome. Upmarket burger chain Byron’s espousal of craft beer is significant in reaching out to new audiences.
Then there are the places I simply overlooked, like Teddington gem the Masons Arms and Fulham’s German-themed Fest. The updates do better justice to Antic’s estate and catch up on a few more Nicholson’s pubs worth knowing.
There are undoubtedly more changes to come, so look out for further new material on the website, and for the next update which is due in July, just in time for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
For more see the London page.
Now all I need to do is get myself to London for a weekend and see these places for myself. Good work Des.