ABV: 10%
Origin: Bodegraven, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Website: www.brouwerijdemolen.nl

De Molen Hel en Verdoemenis 666
World renowned Dutch craft brewer Menno Olivier brews phenomenal beers in numerous styles, but perhaps his strongest suit is his imperial stouts, of which there are several, as well as variants within variants. ‘Hell and Damnation’ is one of them, featuring brown malts in the recipe. Batch 666 of the beer had the added twist of being matured over beechwood chips soaked in a 40-year-old Cognac and was among the rare offerings Menno brought along to the 2010 Alvinne Pré-ZBF event at Ruddervoorde.
The beer is near-black with a creamy beige head, and an iodine-like quality that leaves yellow residue on the glass. A heavily chocolate scented inky and spicy caramel-tinged aroma introduces a full, sweet coffeeish palate with raisins, plums, gravy, black treacle, brown sugar, perhaps a Cognac note and odd herbal flavours. The finish is long, warmly malty and very, very spicy with mint, caramel and more herbs. The woodchips show through on a late note with a few hop tones: sweetness provides the backbone but with a lot going on over the top of it right to the end.
Read more about this beer at ratebeer.com: http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/de-molen-hel-verdoemenis-666/118013/
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