Pivovar Restaurant Hotel Modrá Hvězda
ABV: 4.5%
Origin: Dobřany, Plzeňský Kraj, Czech Republic
Website: www.modra-hvezda.cz
Mash tuns were fired again in Dobřany, once an important brewing town a little south of Plzeň, in 1998 when the ‘Blue Star’ hotel sprouted one of the first of a new generation of microbreweries that have since done much to revitalise beer culture in the Czech Republic. The brewery is tiny but output has quadrupled over the past 15 years. I encountered its outstanding pale lager ‘Dobřany Star’ on draught at Prague’s top specialist beer pub Zlý Časy.
This unpasteurised, unfiltered beer poured a cloudy yellow-gold, with a fine, thick off-white head and a restrained cereal malt aroma with quite a worty, casky note — surprising for a lager of this type. A very fresh, soft and lightly perfurmed palate still delivered a bracing citrus kick, with complex hop flavours in the crinkles. A tasty drying hoppy finish was long and sappy over a rich cereal base. Overall, a substantial and very cheerful refresher.
Read more about this beer at ratebeer.com: http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/modra-hv283zda-12o-kvasnicove-sv283tly-lezak/36185/
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