National Winter Ales Festival 2010
Top Tastings 2010
ABV: 5.5%
Origin: Manchester, England

Marble Arch, Manchester M4
The Grade II-listed Marble Arch in Ancoats, on the Rochdale Road just north of Manchester’s city centre ring road, would be an essential stop for anyone with an interest in historic pubs, with its polished façade and glazed tile interior. But it’s also a brewpub with an inviting beer offer of well-brewed own brands, all organic, supported by an imported beer list.
The strong mild Chocolate Marble is one of the most acclaimed of the pub’s own beers. It’s a very dark amber brown, with a fine yellowy-beige head and a fruity and lightly spicy dark malt aroma with coffeeish hints. The palate is definitely coffesish, very smooth, silky and luscious but dry with some sweet chocolate body, mineral and berry flavours emerging. Bittering herb notes blossom in the swallow, with dark roasty malt on the finish still characterised with a sweetish chocolatey slick and some gritty mineral notes. A great beer, and deservedly a multiple award winner, most recently winning gold in the regional strong mild categroy at the National Winter Ales Festival in 2010.
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