Beer Sellers: Landbierparadies, Nürnberg
ABV: 5.1%
Origin: Forchheim, Franken/Bayern, Germany

Hebendanz Edel Pils
Hebendanz is one of several breweries and brewpubs in the large Franconian town and former royal city of Forchheim, home to the celebrated Annafest. It’s been a family business since 1579 and is now in the capable hands of owner and brewer Fritz Hebendanz.
Pils isn’t really a typical Franconian style though quite a few brewers, with an eye to its wider popularity in Germany, offer something under that name, and Hebendanz’s “noble” variety is considered one of the best. It’s golden with some white head, a malty, slightly hoppy aroma heavy with flowery perfume, and a dry and very crisp and sacky malt palate with a peppery and flowery hop bite. Hops are also obvious in a very long and chewy, creamy finish that’s finally slightly puckering, but suffused with an appealing peachy freshness.
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