Closed brewery
Wood Green N22 (Haringey)
First sold beer: March 2020
Ceased brewing: April 2020
Designer and beekeeper Adam Armstrong had been a keen homebrewer for several years when the management at his local pub the Westbury suggested he make a commercial brew for them. He responded with a 1.5 hl batch for sale through the pub.
The first brew was well-received, but a few days later the Covid-19 lockdowns started and activities were suspended. Adam considered reviving the business as the lockdowns ended in 2021 but no further commercial brewing took place and by the end of the year he’d given up his brewing license. He’s continuing as a homebrewer and may revive commercial brewing at some stage if market conditions improve.
The name is from a possible derivation of the place name Haringey: ‘enclosure in the grey wood’ (though a more likely etymology is ‘Hering’s enclosure’, from a personal name).
The only beer brewed was in cask, sold through the Westbury.
Updated 29 January 2025.
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