Originally published in BEER December 2003.
NOTE This review forms part of what was originally published as a single longer article. See previous posts for an introduction to Imperial stouts and some other reviews. See the next post to continue reading about further Imperial stouts.
See all parts of this article: http://desdemoor.co.uk/?tag=imperial-stouts-beer-2003
Origin: Bowburn, Durham, England
ABV: 10%

Durham Temptation
Durham Temptation (10%) once carried the more transparent name Imperial Russian Stout, but has been renamed in line with the mock-ecclesiastical house style of this brewery from the land of the Prince Bishops. The very dark ruby beer has a tarry, oily and liquoricey aroma and a full sweetish malt loaf and chocolate palate immediately enlivened by roastiness, hops and a splash of alcohol. The smoky, hoppy and espresso coffee finish is particularly pleasant and well-rounded. The brewery should consider smaller bottles, though: half a litre in one go is more a challenge than a temptation!
See the next post to read about more Imperial stouts.
See all parts of this article: http://desdemoor.co.uk/?tag=imperial-stouts-beer-2003
Read more about this beer at ratebeer.com: http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/durham-temptation/28517/
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