ABV: 5.8%
Origin: Farmville, North Carolina, USA
Website: www.duckrabbitbrewery.com

The Duck-Rabbit Schwarzbier (black lager)
Only a philosopher could think to call a brewery Duck-Rabbit, after the ambiguous drawing seen as either a duck or a rabbit discussed in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Philosophische Untersuchungen (Philosophical Investigations, 1953). And sure enough founder Paul Philippon was an academic and Wittgenstein specialist before opening the brewery in 2004. What had also piqued my interest when I heard about the brewery was that it specialised in dark beers, matching my own personal preferences, so I was delighted to find it well represented with various stouts and porters and this black lager at 2010’s Great American Beer Festival.
The beer is a very dark chestnut-brown, only a shade above black, with a light off-white trace of a head and a very chocolatey, slightly fruity aroma. there’s a medium-roast coffee palate that’s full of chewy, silky malt, yielding a bitterish burr. A crisp, roasty but smooth and soothing finish has lingering roast and lightly smoky notes. An excellent beer to get you thinking.
Read more about this beer at ratebeer.com: http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/the-duck-rabbit-schwarzbier/105762/
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