Zythos Bierfestival 2010
ABV: 5.5%
Origin: Baarle-Hertog, Antwerpen, Vlaanderen
Website: www.dedochtervandekorenaar.be

De Dochter van de Korenaar Noblesse
De Dochter van de Korenaar — the Ear of Grain’s Daughter — is one of the remote outposts of Belgian brewing, in boundary boggling Baarle-Hertog, a tiny and irregularly shaped enclave of Belgium — less than 8km² divided over 24 seperate pieces of land, sometimes with buildings straddling the border — entirely surrounded by the Netherlands, the legacy of mediaeval land grabs between the rulers of Breda (now the Netherlands) and Brabant (now Belgium). In the early days of this brewery I had a couple of dodgy bottles, but there was no problem with this delightful easy-going blond ale, the brewery’s first beer, sampled on draught at the Zythos Bierfestival.
It’s a warm, hazy gold with a little off-white, slightly pinkish head and a creamy, malty, fairly restrained aroma. A firm and smooth malty palate has a slight herbal note, with bitter hops and citrus developing, offset by a gentle sugary touch. A creamy mouth-coating finish has herbal and flowery notes and a gentle bitterness, finishing dry, a testament to the Belgian brewing’s tentative rediscovery of the hop. My decision certainly wasn’t split: it’s notably complex for the ABV, but very well balanced, and altogether a refreshing delight.
Read more about this beer at ratebeer.com: http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/de-dochter-van-de-korenaar-noblesse/78107/
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