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Best beer and travel writing award 2015, 2011 -- British Guild of Beer Writers Awards
Accredited Beer Sommelier
Writer of "Probably the best book about beer in London" - Londonist
"A necessity if you're a beer geek travelling to London town" - Beer Advocate
"A joy to read" - Roger Protz
"Very authoritative" - Tim Webb.
"One of the top beer writers in the UK" - Mark Dredge.
"A beer guru" - Popbitch.

Herold Tmavé speciální pivo
ABV: 5.3% Origin: Březnice, Středočeský kraj, Czech Republic Website: First published: 5 February 2001
Another review from the archive written for the pioneering Oxford Bottled Beer Database (OBBD). I’ve left it uncorrected — so please read it in that historical spirit.
Herold, likely one of the world’s oldest […]
Top Tastings 2012 (Kroužkovaný ležák 12°)
ABV: 5% and 4.7% Origin: České Budějovice, Jihočeský kraj, Czech Republic Website:
Budějovický Budvar kroužkovaný ležák 12° straight from the conditioning tank — note security device on glass.
These are the unfiltered, unpasteurised draught versions of Budvar’s flagship golden lager (labelled Budvar Czech Imported Lager in […]
Great British Beer Festival 2011, Top Tastings 2011
ABV: 5% Origin: Broumov, Králové Hradecký kraj, Czech Republic Website:
Broumov Opat Kvasničák Pepper
The Broumov brewery, by the Polish border, claims a history back to 1348, when the townspeople were first granted rights to brew, although the current plant dates from 1866. […]
European Beer Bloggers Conference 2011, Top Tastings 2011
ABV: 4.4% Origin: Plzeň, Plzeňský kraj, Czech Republic Website:
Plzeňský Prazdroj's head brewer Václav Berka serves up his Kvasnicový at the European Beer Bloggers Conference, London, May 2011. Pic: Reuben Gray,
The second word in the name of this famous Bohemian brewery […]
Pivovar Restaurant Hotel Modrá Hvězda
Top Tastings 2010
ABV: 4.5% Origin: Dobřany, Plzeňský Kraj, Czech Republic Website:
Mash tuns were fired again in Dobřany, once an important brewing town a little south of Plzeň, in 1998 when the ‘Blue Star’ hotel sprouted one of the first of a new generation […]
Beer sellers: Zlý Časy / Pivkupectví Top Tastings 2010
ABV: 5% Origin: Humpolec, Vysočina, Czech Republic Website:
Bernard Sváteční Ležák
The Bernard brewery, in the hill country between Bohemia and Moravia, traces its history to 1597 but its current reputation is strictly post-Velvet Revolution. In 1991 a team led by Stanislav Bernard […]
Beer sellers: Zlý Časy / Pivkupectví
ABV: 4.2% Origin: Chodová Planá, Plzeňský kraj, Czech Republic Website:
Chodovar Zámecké Černé
Incorporating ancient cellars cut into granite and completely dominating its small village home west of Plzeň, the Chodovar brewery traces its written records back to 1634, though much of today’s structure is the […]
Beer sellers: Zlý Časy / Pivkupectví
ABV: 6.6% Origin: Varnsdorf, Ústecký kraj, Czech Republic Website:
Kocour Weizenbock
Another new Czech micro brewing internationally inspired craft beers alongside interpretations of indigenous lager styles, Kocour — ‘Tomcat’ — was founded by Josef Šusta and Honza Kočka in 2008 in Varnsdorf, in the far west […]
Beer sellers: Zlý Časy / Pivkupectví Top Tastings 2010
ABV: 6.2% Origin: Broumy, Středočeský kraj, Czech Republic Website:
One of a small but growing number of innovative new microbreweries challenging the dominance of straightforward pale and dark lagers in the Czech Republic, Pivovar Matuška was founded only in 2009 but has already caused ripples […]
Beer sellers: Zlý Časy / Pivkupectví
ABV: 5.2% Origin: Polička, Pardubický kraj, Czech Republic Website:
Poličské Záviš světlý ležák 12°
This intriguing brewery in the birthplace of composer Bohuslav Martinů traces its history back to 1517 when it was founded by a cooperative of townspeople, thus its full […]
Cask This pioneering new book explains what makes cask beer so special, and explores its past, present and future. Order now from CAMRA Books. Read more here.
London’s Best Beer The fully updated 3rd edition of my essential award-winning guide to London’s vibrant beer scene is available now from CAMRA Books. Read more here.